Lesson Plan
- Describe the key elements of risk evaluation.
- Describe the different types of alarms and indicators used in the CPI.
- Explain how floating roof tanks work.
- Discuss how closed-loop sampling systems work.
- Describe the term, “noise abatement.’
- Describe interlocks and automatic shutdown devices.
- Explain the principles of process containment.
- Describe the principles of effluent and waste control.
- Illustrate and explain how a flare system works.
- Describe deluge and explosion suppression systems.
- Identify basic pressure relief devices.
Read and Watch
Read chapter 11 of the textbook. Watch the following videos:
Hierarchy of Controls
Wireless Industrial Plant-Wide Gas Detection: Honeywell Safety
Sampling system for liquid or gas
Pressure Safety Valve
ko flare system
- Complete the homework associated with the assigned reading.
- Complete the activity assigned.
- Complete the activity quiz.
- Complete the chapter quiz.