PRT 110: Lesson 4 Gases, Vapors, Particles, and Toxic Metals


Lesson Plan


  • Describe the physical and health hazards associated with gases and vapors.
  • Describe the physical and health hazards associated with particulates.
  • Describe the physical and health hazards associated with toxic metals.
  • Identify common poisonous metals and describe the hazards associated with each.
  • List the metals that are fire hazards
  • Describe the hazards associated with toxic metals.
  • Explain the hazards associated with toxic metal compounds.
  • Describe the hazards associated with compressed gas cylinders.
  • List the flammable gases that will mix easily with air.
  • Describe the hazards associated with dust explosions.
  • List special precautions used when working with particulates, dust, and gases.
  • Describe the Bhopal India vapor release.
  • Explain how to work safely with asbestos.
  • Describe the background and history of asbestos.

Read and Watch

Read chapter 4 of the textbook.

Watch the following:



  1. Complete the homework associated with the assigned reading.
  2. Complete the assigned activity.
  3. Complete the activity quiz (below).
  4. Complete the chapter quiz.

Activity Quiz